So this completes my 4th week with ChildServe, and I'm feeling very much employed! I will even receive my second paycheck tomorrow and boy did we miss paydays! Thus far I have been enjoying the job and am attempting learn all there is to know about waiver services for kiddos and their families. Honestly, I was a little worried about working with kiddos that often have some severe disabilities. How do I interact with a child that has little to no communication skills? I always felt awkward talking to them and asking questions, knowing that they can't respond. Through some training and hearing people talk, I've become more comfortable with it. I just imagine myself in their shoes. A functioning brain that is trapped in a sense, inside a paralyzed body. Can you imagine not being able to speak but being able to hear and understand and think inside your head exactly what you want to say, just not being able to???? My job is to help these kiddos find resources to help their families and them have a GREAT LIFE! This is ChildServe's mission statement. Now most companies have mission statements but none are as real and influential in a person's life. I am so thankful for the amazing opportunity to learn and grow while working with these amazing kids. I feel that I learn more from them than they ever could from me and I'm looking forward to being engaged with them for years to come.
I am still going to school to be an elementary school counselor but may slow down classes a little bit to be able to focus on both school and work without one of them suffering. Classes are going well and I have two semesters and a 4.0 GPA under my belt. I'm pretty proud of this, as I have NEVER had a 4.0 in my life and I hope that I can continue to do well, learn and become an amazing counselor for kiddos.
This month, we are planning on traveling to visit Ben's grandpa. The whole family will get together and we'll have to take a picture or two to share. We are going boating this weekend with some friends and hope to enjoy the Labor Day Weekend.
Hope you all have a nice and relaxing weekend as well!