Saturday, May 21, 2011

Flu bugs

A big YUCK!  Aaron spent three days experiencing vomiting and diarrhea.  We spent three days dealing with the aftermath of laundry and an uncomfortable babe.  Mostly, he was in pretty good spirits, just a little less energy and motivation to do anything.  So we spent a lot of time cuddling, which was fine by me.  He is starting to get his appetite back this morning and is currently taking his morning cat nap.  Last night, however, was pretty rough, but for Ben, not Aaron.  He's been hit with the bug and was sick three times in two hours.  If any of you know Ben, he's NEVER sick, so he's pretty miserable.  We were both up from 2:30-4:30am, him in the bathroom and me putting A back to bed.  So this post is nothing but me rambling about the illness and lack of sleep we are currently experiencing.
On another note, I'm going to paint our guest bathroom sometime...hopefully in the near future.  Additionally plan to repaint our bathroom upstairs as well, but I have already painted it twice since we moved in.
Another note, we fly to Nashville next week and my task this weekend is to make a packing list, purchase some luggage and do LOTS of laundry to prepare us for the trip.  Wish us luck!  It'll be Aaron's first flight and I'm crossing my fingers that it will go well!
