Thursday, May 20, 2010


I finally got around to filling the bird feeder this Spring and I feel it was just in time.  We now have finches enjoying the seed and the cats enjoying the view.  Most days, I don't even notice the birds out on the feeder until I start hearing Coda chirping and flicking his tail around spastically.  A quick glance out the window and sure enough, there is a gold finch.  While I hate the mess that gets made with all the seed, I love watching the birds.  I always say that if I could be any other animal, I'd want to be a bird.  Can you imagine being able to fly?  Really, that's my only ambition for life as a bird, to fly.  I would want to still have the same intelligence as I do now, just able to fly.  Maybe technology will make this a reality for me in this lifetime.

In other news, Ben and I are expecting an addition to our family in December!  We are excited and nervous and can't wait to see how our lives will change.  This blog may change focus as the focus of our family changes, but I'm hoping that I get back to posting delicious recipes, which is why I started this thing in the first place!

While we are excited, we continue to think of our friends who are struggling and frustrated with fertility challenges.  We are thinking of you!  Know that we are here to support you and help in any way that we can!
