Monday, October 17, 2011

Crochet School & Baby Calder

I'm learning how to crochet.  I think that makes me old, but it's so rewarding!  You can see your progress right in front of you AND you get something when you are done!  I'm using Crafty Minx, who is a great teacher with her videos and explanations.
I'm looking forward to making a blanket in particular and plan to sell it or auction it off to help raise funds for my friend's baby, Calder.  Click his name if you can donate to their fundraising for his heart transplant!  Also there is a Scentsy party where all profits are being donated to Calder, Becky and Zac.  Donate to that HERE.  Also, you can eat at Buffalo Wild Wings on Merle Hay on the 19th of October, 2011.  Let them know that you are with Baby Calder and 10% of your bill goes towards the Seabrooke family.
I just can't even imagine the thoughts and feelings I would be having if my newborn infant suffered heart damage and needed a transplant.  Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers that everything will be successful and Calder will recover safely, as well as Zac and Becky will not be burdened by the financial weight of this challenge.  Thanks everyone for your thoughts and support!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

10 Months OLD?

Crazy!  Time has flown by and it's all been amazing and challenging!  Aaron is busy bustling around the house via crawling, cruising, and walking with a walker.  We had 9 month photos taken by Stephanie Doll Photography.  She does an amazing job catching Aaron "in the moment" and really captures his personality each session!  I can't believe we have only one more left in our package!  It's really almost been a year already!  Here are some of my favorites from the day, but to be honest, it was hard to choose just three!
I thought for sure by now I'd feel like I had some sense of balance back in my life.  Well...that has NOT happened.  I'm still working out how to even have time for myself - to work out, create crafty stuff, bake, etc.  I have to take time off of work just to get my car worked on, a hair cut, or to get groceries.  That is CRAZY!  I'm hoping to figure out how to afford to work a little less to get a little time in for me. Yes, even grocery shopping alone is considered "me" time now.  Ben and I don't get much "us" time either.  We need to work on that.  It's hard to leave but it's nice to get a break as well.
We are gearing up for Halloween.  We have visited two pumpkin patches, taken photos with pumpkins, made some Halloween-y crafts and are ready for the candy!  Okay, Ben and I are ready for candy.  We hope to get out and trick-or-treat with some friends and their kids.  Will post pictures soon!  Okay, that's all for now!  Hope you enjoyed the photos as much as we do!
