Sunday, June 27, 2010

Store brands vs. Name brand

So I'm a strong believer in getting more for less.  I don't care about the label on a can of food or pair of jeans.  If it suits my needs, I'll get it and save myself a few bucks, or more, in the process.  Well, today, I had to question my long-standing beliefs.  I had bought a store-brand can of green beans.  I had not bought this particular store's canned veggies before, but thought that off brand is off brand.  Opening this can of green beans, I was excited.  Nothing sounded good all afternoon and upon getting home, my nauseated pregnant stomach said "I could do some green beans."  I quickly responded before said stomach could change its mind, heated up the beans and away I went.  They tasted good too!  After a few bites, I noticed something yellowish in the bowl.  Thinking to myself, it's probably just an unripe bean, I pulled it out to throw it away.  Well folks, it was a dandelion head.  Ew.  So I picked it out, thinking, what a fluke and continued eating my beans.  I mean, I understand that with all the technology and such around today, it is possible to get a stray field green into my beans now and then.  I continue eating and low and behold, along comes another dandelion.  This one has gone to seed.  You know, after they turn into white puff balls and the seeds start to blow off the head and float away, only to infest millions of lawns?  So, now I'm calling my financially savvy decision into question.  Is it worth spending more for green beans without dandelions?  Am I just making a mountain with a molehill?  What do you think?  Should I keep buying my store brand, penny saving foods or should I pony up the dough and use name brand items?  Let me know your thoughts...


Brian Bruns said...

I also buy alot of store brand foods. Usually they are made by the exact same companies that make the name brand stuff, not always, but usually. I would call the number on the can, and give them the production codes off of the can so they can check into it. You will also get coupons for free stuff from that manufacturer. One time I bought hy-vee brand chocolate syrup and they didn't get it hot enough when they made it so it was all grainy. I called the number on the back and recieved a thing from hy-vee for another one and also a check for $5 from the manufacturer of the product. They want to keep your business so they will make every effort to make it right by you. I say keep buying the store brand stuff. Odds are that it was a fluke deal that you got dandilions in your beans.

Amanda and Scott said...

I would still buy the store brand stuff. The previous post is true- usually they are made by the same companies. That is pretty gross though. There are some store brand things that I have found I don't really like but you just have to experiment and see what works for you. Tips for baby life: I don't like the store brand baby wipes- def not as big and don't seem to do the trick as well. I don't buy store brand diapers either- we did that once and Preston kept blowing out of them that I didn't even finish the pack. Maybe he could use them now that he is bigger and his poop is not so runny (gross, I know) but we stick to LUVS- they are pretty cheap. We did buy store brand formula when we stopped breastfeeding- the doc said it was the same and had the exact same ingredients. Some babies are pretty picky though, so you will just have to see what your baby likes! Congrats and I hope you have a good pregnancy!
