Whew! It has been busy! I've discovered Pinterest and it is a great way to let other's scour the internet for great ideas and then "pin" them to the virtual board for future use. A great way to keep track of things you want to do or try! Anyway, here's where we are at:
Eating some table food (still nothing with milk).
Always interested in whatever everyone else is eating.
Crawling on hands and knees more consistently.
"Cruising" minimally along furniture.
Babbling with multiple syllables ALL THE TIME.
Seems to prefer "momm, momm, momm," especially when he's upset.
Trying to really "figure out" his toys and things.
Pouts and cries when told "no" or otherwise gets in trouble.
Shakes his head when you say no, no, no.
Sleeping 11 hours straight.
Has 7, going on 10, teeth.
Pulls up on furniture.
Follows us around the house (into the kitchen, bathroom - okay, that's about all the bigger our house it but he really does follow us everywhere)
Naps like a champ!
LOVES daycare and smiles and babbles as we walk in each day.
Tried the swing at the park a few times. He likes it for a little while.
Sucks down juice likes it's going out of style.
Feeds himself finger foods.
Getting more picky about what he wants to eat.
LOVES bath time and splashing everyone and everything within a 6 foot radius.
Starting to learn to wave bye-bye
Is a technology junky, making a bee-line for cell phones, lap tops, and tv receivers
We have successfully eliminated 2 bottles and moved to sippy cups!
That's all I can come up with for now. We'll give an update again probably in another three months, when we get time!
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