In other news, after coming home from a weekend at my parent's house, Ziggy, the cat, was very......hmmmmm.....excited? This is the only way I can think of to describe his erratic running around the house. After taking the suitcase upstairs and unpacking it, Ziggy practically flew into the bedroom and onto the bed...but forgot to put on the brakes. He proceeded to fly/bounce off the bed and straight into the wall, giving himself a fat and bloody lip in the process. Needless to say, he calmed down a bit after that. Not sure what got into him but I'm taking it as he really missed us!
Also, I have my application in for graduate school at Buena Vista, UNI and Drake and am hopeful for someone to think I am worthy of their program. I am really banking on getting into Drake, as it is close and would make taking classes extremely easy and less stressful, not to mention I would again be a Bulldog. Ok, I don't really care about the part but it is a really great school and is comparable on cost per credit hour. Wish me luck on admittance into any one of these programs for Spring!