Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Aaron, eight weeks

Today, Aaron is eight weeks old!  It has been a trying eight weeks, but I think we are seeing some light down the tunnel.  Not the end but definitely moving towards it.  Here's a recap of the past few weeks:
-Aaron was super gassy/fussy.  We gave up nursing at 5 weeks and switched from milked-based formula to soy-based.
-Aaron continues to be gassy and gets constipated.  Fussiness is extremely challenging.
-We started using gas drops and visited the chiropractor, which made a good difference in disposition.
-Aaron is still constipated.  Started prune juice with 1 bottle each day, plus glycerin suppositories.
-We continue to help stimulate BMs, but they are softer and regular.
-At 7 weeks, he started to smile, swing his hands at his play gym and coo.  Babbling and smiles are the best part of my day!

I'm so glad he's starting to feel better. He is really taking in his environment and looking around at everything.  He dislikes tummy time but is getting stronger every day.  How fun to see the changes he goes through so fast!  I'm sad thinking about going back to work in just 3 short weeks!  Wish me luck!  Until then, I'm heading back to playing with my little one!


Beth @ Sawdust and Embryos said...

He's so sweet!

Stacey said...

Yeh...when he's not crying...:) Its getting better.
