Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pappajohn Sculpture Park

Over the weekend, Ben's dad and stepmom were in town to visit and help us prepare for the arrival of Baby this Winter.  We ventured into downtown and wandered through the Pappajohn Sculpture Park for some great Fall-like weather and photos to share.  We're trying to explore more of the city we live in and get some great shots to represent our adopted hometown.  We've been looking for some photos to hang up at home in the picture frames that have been empty for the past year and half.  Slowly but surely, we are acquiring photos to display in our small, humble home.  I've added some below for your enjoyment.

We also got a crib this weekend.  Thank you Thank you to Lyle and Gail for getting us a crib!  Unfortunately, we had to order it, so it will be here in 6 weeks.  We are confident that the "Little Mac" will wait until after then to arrive.  If not, we'll figure something out.  It's all starting to seem real as furniture and decorations are accumulated.  Thanks again to Lyle and Gail for the SUPER CUTE bedding.  
I can't wait to start putting everything together!  We also explored the Valley Junction store "Little Padded Seats."  We learned all about the new cloth diapers and wandered around the store exploring their natural products.  We decided, after some fancy math from Lyle, that cloth diapers will pay for themselves in 4 months, thus making them essentially free from then on, even through the next kid.  We went ahead and registered.  Each diaper is about $18.00 but buying in bulk, you can get them for $17 a piece.  An investment, yes.  We are looking forward to this new adventure and Ben is ready to change his first diaper ever!  This will be fun!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I can't wait for Ben to change his first oozer ever. It is always fun when the runny poop flows over the cloth and out the top. Also fun is holding it in the toilet trying to rinse it out as it has to sit in the bin until wash day! We stopped into that store too. We are still weighing the cost benefits.
