Thursday, December 16, 2010

No one ever told me...

Things no one ever told me about having a child...
-I would get so teary-eyed over the silliest things.  My professor was so understanding and supportive letting me turn in my final paper late and asking to see pictures.  I am so grateful for such a great teacher!
-I would get distracted by 50 different things only to drop them all when my baby squirmed in his sleep.
-I would wake up every 15 minutes, worried he wasn't breathing or might choke.
-I would be excited about poop.
-I would wash bottles 4 times per day.
-I would turn the heat up and down constantly to make sure my baby was warm enough, cool enough, comfortable enough.
-I wouldn't care about spit up on my clothes, but I would rush to change my baby at the slightest drop on his clothing.
-I would stay home for days in a row and be perfectly happy about it.
-I wouldn't have time to eat, empty the dishwasher, brush my teeth, take a shower, read my email.

I'm sure there are many more things that we didn't know, but are continuing to learn along the way.  Like, it's okay if that load of laundry lays on the floor for a day...or two.  It's okay to snuggle and go back to bed until 10am.  A baby spits up... A LOT, but they will not starve to death.  Projectile spit up doesn't concern a baby.  They will go right back to sleep.
Our blog is likely to be very different now that Aaron has arrived.  I have not cooked a meal in over a week, which is strange and not like me.  I feel like I've lost a little bit of myself, at least temporarily, until we can establish a routine and figure out how to change our lives to fit everything else back into it.  Slowly but surely, we are getting there.  We've been able to take a shower every day so far.  HUGE accomplishment.  Today, I got to make coffee for myself, and I got to drink it before it got cold!  In short, we welcome you to our baby chronicles.  Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Sara Haylett said...

All these things and many more are on the way for you! Nothing is better then the first smile that you know is not "gas" and that you baby recognizes you and feels safe in your arms. Just wait for the first steps, the first word and the first "I love you".
It's not gonna be all great, projectile poop and pee in the eye come to mind, but the goods will far out weigh the bad, the icky and the hard work!

Welcome to parenthood, it's great here!
