Friday, December 31, 2010

Ringing in the New Year

This year has been a whirlwind like no other!  After our ectopic pregnancy in November of 2009, we were thankful to get pregnant in the Spring of 2010, which helped us to cope with the loss of 2009.  We both spent time with friends and were able to go camping with our families over the Summer.  The most eventful portion of our year has been the past 3 weeks, after our little man was born on 12/8/10.  We are planning on ringing in the new year by staying home and quite possibly a midnight feeding.  While this celebration may not seem very exciting, I know that it's all just a part how our lives have dramatically changed over the past 3 weeks.  Initially, staying home with Aaron, feeding and rocking and changing him made me feel so confined and stuck.  Over the past few weeks, I can't believe how much of a routine we are in and feel much more able to get back to our new "normal."  I was able to make supper the other day and I have only missed taking a shower twice since he arrived!  We've been thankful for lots of help from family and visits from family and friends as well.  As we adjust to our new life and toting Aaron around with us, we are looking forward to the next 12 months!  We plan to keep you updated on Aaron's development, our insights on parenting, and life as we have experienced it.  We look forward to seeing you all in the near future!  Best wishes in 2011!

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