Saturday, March 28, 2009


So this past week has been busy for me, which I am thankful for since I despise sitting around for long.  On Monday I had an interview with Easter Seals, but unfortunately have not heard back regarding a second interview.  That afternoon I hung out with A at the mall and played in the play area.  Afterwards we got a cinnamon sugar pretzel to share and I think he enjoyed it more than I did!  It was delicious.  That night I had class, which is starting to wind down.  I have one paper and a major project to finish.  My other class has a final paper due on the 1st so I've also been busy organizing and researching for that.  I am writing about evidence-based treatments for anxiety disorders in children.  Nothing too exciting but glad to have everything wrapping up.  Tuesday I completely forgot about a job shadow that I had scheduled with K. Mavis out in Waukee.  Thankfully, she is understanding and we rescheduled for Friday.  Wednesday was pretty slow but I have been getting several interview requests.  I had a phone interview with LSI on Thursday, hung out with J at the mall and took C to Cub Scouts.  He made a film canister rocket out of alkaseltzer and water.  It was a big hit with 7 year olds, that's for sure.  Friday I spent the morning at Waukee, shadowing the guidance counselor.  She is a great gal and I hope to get to know her better as I progress through my classes.  That evening we went out with Josh and Elizabeth for some delicious El Rodeo mexican food.  I love that place!  Then hung out at home and played some guitar hero.  
Today was a laid back day.  I had an interview with a local realty agency which went well but I don't feel is a good fit for me right now.  Then Ben and I went to the Natural Living Expo downtown.  Not quite what I thought.  I was hoping for more how to live and do more environmentally friendly things.  They had a lot of food, vitamins, and cloth diapers.  Maybe my expectations were different.  Then we came home and worked on homework for a couple of hours and Ben made dinner.  Quesadillas!  Yup, Mexican food again.  We can't get enough.  Now after catching up on all of our shows, Heros, Grey's Anatomy and Entourage, we will call it a night and snuggle in.  
Sorry this wasn't necessarily an entertaining post.  Just an update of my life since getting laid off.  I've felt quite productive lately and thought I would share.

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