Friday, November 19, 2010

Baby Update

Had my first "weekly" appointment yesterday at the Ob.  Baby continues to be active and using my internal organs to practice it's soccer moves and gymnastics skills.  No complaints, however, as that means this child is healthy and doing well in his/her little room.  The heart rate was in the 130s/140s and I am not dialated.  Maybe too much information about my cervix but some are interested in this progress and that is about all the information I received.  I continue having Braxton Hicks throughout much of the day.  Most of them just uncomfortable, some quick and taking my breath away.  Going to the doctor is always amazing to me, as they seem to think I know what I'm doing.  So it is assumed everything continues to go well and I'll keep updating as I'm able.  Can't wait to meet this little guy...or girl.  Though apparently the "old wive's" evidence is strongly favoring a boy.  We have three names picked for each gender, with two strong contenders in each.  You'll just have to wait until D-day for that!

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