Thursday, August 28, 2008

Getting back in the game...

After being injured and apprehensive about getting back into running for a week and a half, I am now starting to run again.  I'm nervous that I will not be prepared by October 19th but am willing to give it a shot and probably even walk part of the race.  I have run into a small snag in my training however.  As we slowly creep into fall, the daylight hours keep depleting and I am running out of light to run safely and treadmills are not an option for me.  So now I am having to be less picky on when I run.  Thankfully we have been having wonderful weather lately and my caseload has been decreasing, allowing me to get home in time to run in the evening before the sun goes down.  I am now planning on running on Saturday and Sunday for sure and then picking two days during the week to train, which will allow me to be a little more flexible in my training.  
I had every intention of making up excuses once I hurt my back and knee but have since found myself more determined to complete the race that I have signed up for.  
Wish me luck!

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